In the early years we built and created neighborhoods extending from Anchorage to Eagle River. While Rex Turner was developing one of Alaska’s largest neighborhoods, he donated 15 acres of prime Cook Inlet and Alaska Range View Property to the Mat-Su Borough in the heart of the Ranch neighborhood. Once the donation was accepted, Rex spent the next construction season transforming an ugly gravel pit into a useful site with spectacular views. The site was later chosen to become the now award winning Machetanz Elementary School.
In a bold move toward something NEW at The Ranch neighborhood, Rex and his team are in the planning stages of a proposed Panoramic Preserve, 2.5 and 3 acre home sites, in the heart of the Ranch neighborhood. This will include spectacular views of the Alaska Range across Cook Inlet, the Talkeetna Mountains and the State Game Refuge and above the Machetanz Elementary School and Wasilla Creek area to the north. This new neighborhood addition is now in the draft stages only and the draft of Panoramic Preserve can be viewed at the project office. It is subject to approval of the planning board.
Although the lots are not yet available for purchase or sale yet, we will keep you posted on this exciting new endeavor.